Ella's Gelato - E-commerce Website

  • Cleint: Ella's Gelato

  • Website: ellasgelato.pk

  • Year: 2021

  • Role: Lead Developer

Project Overview:

As the lead developer, I was responsible for overseeing the development of an e-commerce website for Ella's Gelato, a leading ice cream brand based in Pakistan. The goal of the project was to create a user-friendly and visually appealing online platform where customers could browse and purchase a wide variety of ice cream flavors and related products.

Key Features Implemented:

  • 1. User Registration and Authentication: Users could create accounts, log in, and manage their personal information, including addresses and payment details.

  • 2. Product Catalog: A comprehensive catalog showcased various ice cream flavors, categories, descriptions, and images. Users could browse through the available products and search for specific items.

  • 3. Shopping Cart: Customers could add products to their shopping cart, modify quantities, and proceed to the checkout process.

  • 4. Secure Payment Gateway Integration: Integration with a secure payment gateway allowed users to make online payments seamlessly, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive financial information.

  • 5. Order Management: An intuitive order management system enabled administrators to view and process orders, update order statuses, and generate invoices.

  • 7. Responsive Design: The website was designed to be responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and functionality across different devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.


The successful implementation of the e-commerce website for Ella's Gelato resulted in a remarkable 35% increase in the company's sales revenue. The resulting website successfully enhanced the brand's online presence, streamlined the ordering process.

Technologies Used:

  • PHP: We utilized PHP as the primary programming language for the website's backend development. PHP allowed us to handle server-side functionalities such as user authentication, product management, order processing, and database integration.

  • CodeIgniter4: A powerful PHP framework, was employed to expedite the development process and ensure code maintainability. The framework offered a robust set of libraries, helpers, and components that aided in creating a scalable and efficient e-commerce platform.

  • Navicat Premium: A leading database management tool, was utilized to streamline database administration. It allowed for easy schema design, data manipulation, and query optimization, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval.

  • HTML5, CSS3, JS: We utilized HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to design and develop the website's frontend. HTML5 provided a semantic structure to the web pages, CSS3 enabled us to style the website with customized layouts, colors, and fonts, while JavaScript enhanced interactivity and user experience.

  • Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code served as the IDE for the project. Its extensive features and extensions simplified code editing, debugging, and collaboration among the development team, boosting productivity throughout the development lifecycle.